


BIS & DCC - Fat Puppys Regal Kelloe
RBIS & RDCC - Lumbuse Mr Douglas Home for Ryjarlow
BOS & BCC - Erimusbulls Rita Hayworth
BPIS & RBCC - Avaword Mollie
BVIS - Izzy Heirs Apparent

Veteran Dog or Bitch (2entered, 1abs)
1. Izzy Heirs Apparent

Minor Puppy Dog (6entered, 3abs)
1. Baalzebull Apache Tears
2. Justafiabull Tristana
3. Blondello Charless Xavier

Puppy Dog (4entered, 1abs)
1. Wembholt Renaissance
2. Onahia Del Alante He's The Only one At Weneta (imp esp)
3. Andlare Just Peter

Junior Dog (6entered, 1abs)
1. Ruakarui Chasing Great
2. Terralynda Get Around
3. Shipshape Jadore
4. Baalzebull Hot Toddy of Lancsbull
5. Ruakuri on the road again at Jacobella

Yearling Dog (6entered, 3abs)
1. Milasha Pompeii Mystyle
2. Prideofbully Rembrandt
3. Mijoro The Goodfella

Novice Dog (4entered, 0abs)
1. Lumbuse Mr Douglas Home for Ryjarlow
2. Ricatori Redesigned
3. Britishicon That Tickles
4. Avaord Hector

Post Graduate Dog (6entered, 1abs)
1. Danckomac Gold Dust
2. Wencar Red Chance At Jacobella
3. Tinkabulls Mr Brightside
4. Tichespride i'm Ajay for Tyneamite
5. Smackerjacks Creed of Taranisbull

Limit Dog(6entered,0abs)
1. Albionpride A Kind of Magic JW
2. Erimusbulls Mannion
3. Taybull Pyjamarama
4. Taybull Doc Martin of Belushi
5. Andlare Everhard JW

Open Dog(13entered, 1abs)
1. Fat Puppys Regal Kelloe
2. CH Milasha No Retreat Ocobo
3. Ch Happy and Glorious Hennessy
4. Ch Gongar King Henry Bulls
5. CH Milasha Preacher Man Mystyle

Minor Puppy Bitch (8entered, 0abs)
1. Andlare Goody Two Shoes
2. Erimusbulls Miss Gabor
3. Midlandbulls Candy Crush Ricatori
4. Ricatori Mysterious Girl AT Shuckstun
5. Redworc She's Casual

Puppy Bitch (3entered,0abs)
1. Avaword Mollie
2. Marcarobull Witchy Women
3. Taybull Sea Breezes

Junior Bitch (10entered, 3abs)
1. Buck & Sons Irikumi Mystyle (imp ITA)
2. Ruakuri Diamond In The Sky
3. Andlare This is Kaboodle
4. Unstopabull Fix You
5. Senidan Queen of Hearts

Yearling Bitch (7entered,0abs)
1. Shuckstuns Allure
2. Souterbull Shes the Sandancer
3. Lady Medusa of Taranisbull
4. Odinschild Nanna The Joyfull at Angelclan
5.Milasha Gigi

Novice Bitch(1entered,1abs)
1. Kentixen in your dreams

Post Grad Bitch (11entered, 5abs)
1. Odinschild Norse
2. Goodbull Rita Ora JW
3. Hillplace Ginger Spice
4.weebullz shy tot
5. Tinkaulls Stole the show

Limit Bitch (6entered,1abs)
1. Erimusbulls Rita Hayworth
2. Avaword Connie JW
3. Lilylove Lay Lady Lay
4. Taybull Siren
5. Senidan Deja Vue

Open Bitch (6entered,2abs)
1. Ruakuri Memories are sweet
2. Carasmel Henryetta at Sandars
3. Goobull Amy Whinehouse JW
4. Jasmin Cymru Dancer At Daubhill

Veteran Dog or Bitch

105: Izzy Heirs Apparent
Lovely example. 9 1/2 Years old
Red and white. clean eyes and good expression with a true under jaw Tight feet, good rib, nice top line. Moved great for an old girl like a pup.

Minor Puppy Dog
2O: Baalzebull Apache Tears
Red and white. Nice clean eyes, well off for bone, Nice top line, Good angulation, Moved ok, but a bit loose.
47: Justafiabull Tristana
Red and white. Nice turn of under jaw . Wide nostrils. Well boned, Clean eyes, nice topline, and good rib and moved ok.

Puppy Dog
34: Wembholt Renaissance
Red and white, Nice clean eyes, Good turn of under jaw. Good ears. Well boned. Lovely front. Good rib and top line to a free tail, Moved well.
36: Onahia Del Alante He’s The Only One At Weneta
Red and white. Nice turn of under jaw. Good ears, tight feet. Nice front and moved well.

Junior Dog
97: Ruakuri Chasing Great
Good bone with tight feet and a good turn and width of underjaw. Good ears. Lovely top line with a lovely tail and moved well.
81: Terralynda Get around
Red and white. Good ears. Wide nostrils. Clean eyes and well boned. Nice front. Has a good back end and moves well.

Yearling Dog
61: Milasha Pompeii Mystyle
White dog. Has a nice stand off expression. A wide true under jaw. Clean eyes. Straight front with nice feet. Nice top line to a free tail. Moved well
15: Prideofbully Rembrandt
Red and white. Another nice dog with wide nostrils and straight front. Nice top line to a free tail that moved well.

Novice Dog
21: Lumbuse Mr Douglas Home for Ryjarlow
Reserve CC Winner
Red and white. Clean eyes with good ears. Lovely front. Lovely top line to a lovely tail. Moved lovely.
32: Ricatori Regesigned
Red and white. Nice front. Good ears with wide nostrils. Well off for bone with a good free tail.

Post Graduate Dog
64: Danckomac Gold Dust
Red and white. Clean eyes and a nice under jaw. Nice front with tight feet. Nice top line to a free tail. Moved well.
64: Wencar Red Chance At Jacobella
Red and white. Nice under jaw. Wide nostrils. Nice front to tight feet with a free tail. Moved well.

Limit Dog
82: Albionpride A Kind Of Magic JW
Fawn and white. Nice turn of under jaw. Has got good ears with a lovely front. Nice topline with nice rib and moved lovely.
68: Erimusbulls Mannion
Nice turn of under jaw. Again has nice ears and a lovely front. With a nice topline and nice rib. Just lost out due to movement.

Open Dog
15: Fat Puppys Regal Kello
CC Winner
Red and white. A stunning boy. Saw him in ltaly and really liked him a lot. A lovely well turned under jaw. A lovely front with nice tight feet. Clean eyes. Lovely top line to a nice free tail. Moved well.
26: CH Milasha No Retreat Ocobo
Red and white. Well turned and width of under jaw. Nice front. A nice top line with a lovely tail, Moved well

Minor Puppy Bitch
05: Andlare Goody Two Shoes
Red and white. Has a lovely front with nice tight feet. She has nice wide nostrils. A lovely top line with a nice free tail and moves lovely.
69: Erimusbulls Miss Gabor
Red and white. Again has a nice front with tight feet. A lovey top line to a nice free tail and wide nostrils. But this puppy didn’t move as well.

Puppy Bitch
40: Avaword Mollie
Reserve CC Winner
Red and white. Lovely puppy bitch, well turn of under jaw. Wide nostrils and nice clean eyes. A nice top line to a nice tail. And moved well
4: Marcarobull Witchy Women
Red and white. Again good turn of under jaw. Nice wide nostrils and clean eyes A nice top line, just lost out because of ears and tail.

Junior bitch
25: Buck & Sons Irikumi Mystyle
Red and white. Nice turn of under jaw. A straight front with nice ears. A good top line to a lovely tail. Moved well.
Ruakuri Diamond In The Sky
Has a nice turn of under jaw, A nice straight front and a good top line, with a nice tail. Also moved very well but does need to lose a little bit of weight.

Yearling Bitch
51: Shuckstuns Allure
Red and white. A nice, true well turned under jaw. Nice ears. A nice front with a nice top line to a nice tail. Moved well.
55: Souterbull Shes the sandancer
Red and white. Nice turn of under jaw, Nice ears. A nice front, with a nice top line to a nice tail and moves well just slightly longer in body.
Novice bitch
Kentixen in your dreams
White Bitch. Nice top line to a nice tail. Has a nice straight front and moves very well.

Post Graduate Bitch
96: Odinschild Norse
Red and white. Nice under jaw. With nice clean eyes. Wide nostrils. Has a nice front, with a nice top line to a nice tail. Moved well'
80: Goodbull Rita Ora JW
Red and white. Has a nice front, with a nice top line to a nice tail. Clean eyes. With nice ears and well ribbed. Moved well.

Limit Bitch
CC Winner
70: Erimusbulls Rita Hayworth
Red and white. Nice turn of under jaw, with true clean eyes. Has good ears and a nice top line. Moved well.
38: Avaword Connie JW
Red and white. Again nice turn of under jaw. Nice clean eyes with nice ears. A nice top line, Just a bit wide on front.

Open Bitch
99: Ruakuri Memories are sweet
Red and white - Nice eyes with good ears. A nice front. Has a nice top line, to a nice tail. Moved well.
105: Carasmel Henryetta at Sandars
Red and white. Nice ears and eyes. A nice front, with a nice top line but could do with more tail.

Would like to thank the bulldog club of Scotland committee for all their hard work

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